Legend from the Mountain- NIBUN CHORUS
International Choir Exchange & Workshop
Nibun Chorus
Conductor|Chun-Chih Chen
Collaborative Pianist|Yi-Han Lin
Cornell University Chorale
Conductor|Yen-Hsiang Nieh
Collaborative Pianist|Vera Hui-pin Hsu
Legend from the Mountain- NIBUN CHORUS (Taiwan)
The Nibun Chorus, hailing from Liugui District in Kaohsiung City, Taiwan, will bring their captivating melodies to Cornell. They clinched the gold medal in the accompanied folklore category at the 12th World Choir Games held in South Korea in July 2023, earning Taiwan international acclaim.
The name "Nibun" derives from the Bunun language, meaning "teeth," symbolizing the profession of their conductor, Chun-Chih Chen, who is also a dentist. Over the years, Dr. Chen and his chorus have been dedicated to promoting and preserving Taiwanese indigenous music and fostering cultural exchange and education.
The Nibun Chorus boasts a diverse membership representing various ethnic groups, including the Bunun, Pingpu, new immigrants, and Hakka people. From the high mountains of Taiwan, they aim to share multiculturalism through music and showcase Taiwan's diverse cultural landscape on the world stage.
這次尼布恩合唱團特別來到康乃爾,特別在Choral Musicianship的課堂上安排了一場講座,介紹台灣少數族群的音樂,同時晚上七點在Sage Chapel也會帶來一場演出。Cornell Chorale會先演出三首歌曲,接著就會由尼布恩合唱團登場,其中最特別的是他們將演出布農族最重要的祭祀歌曲「祈禱小米豐收歌(pasibutbut)」(比較廣為人知的名稱是「八部合音」)希望大家一定要把時間空出來,來支持這群來自台灣高山的朋友,讓他們感受我們的熱情,我相信他們的歌聲也一定可以撫慰大家的思鄉之情!
March 18, 5 PM, Williard Straight Hall 407
「交流演出」Cornell Chorale & 尼布恩合唱團
March 18, 7 PM, Sage Chapel