Vera Hsu
Dr. Vera Hui-pin Hsu is a pianist and conductor and has been a Visiting Lecturer at the Department of Music, Cornell University since January 2024. She has given piano recitals and lecture concerts internationally in Austria, Germany, Italy, Israel, China, Taiwan, and the U.S. Vera also has toured with the New Haifa Symphony Orchestra. Since 2011, Vera has had a robust collaboration with the Taiwan Philharmonic (aka the National Symphony Orchestra in Taiwan), showcasing her versatility in a spectrum of performances. Her interpretation of Sung-jen Hsu’s piano concerto, “Pounding Rain,” was recorded with the Taiwan Philharmonic and is featured in the Voice of Taiwan series on the Naxos Music Library. For many years, Vera served as a rehearsal pianist for operas and vocal-related symphonic works such as Wagner’s Ring Cycle, Verdi’s Requiem, Salome, Fidelio, Das Lied von der Erde, and Chesky’s The Mice War, produced by Taiwan Philharmonic and National Taichung Theater.
An avid chamber music performer, Vera was presented by various esteemed organizers in Taiwan. She has also premiered several Taiwanese contemporary compositions in New York City, including Carnegie Hall (Weill Hall). In 2021, her piano performance was further captured in two CD releases, "From Formosa" and "Reading Pushkin."
A winner of the 2009 International Conductors Workshop and Competition in Georgia, U.S.A., Dr. Hsu's conducting prowess has seen her lead a variety of ensembles. From 2019 to 2023, she has held the position of the principal conductor of HSNU Symphony Orchestra and Da-An String Orchestra, two leading youth orchestras in Taiwan. Her role as assistant conductor for the Taiwan Philharmonic's 2013 Europe tour and the honor of conducting in Maestro Seiji Ozawa’s master class in Taiwan underscore her reputation.
Vera was born in Taipei City, Taiwan and began studying piano at 5 and violin at 6 years old. She is under the mentorship of Martin Canin at Graduate Center, City University of New York, where she received her doctoral degree in piano performance. From 2015 to 2023, She taught in National Taiwan Normal University, Soochow University, Fu-Jen University, and HSNU in Taipei. Dr. Hsu currently resides in Ithaca, NY, where she continues to enrich the musical landscape with her family by her side.
美國康乃爾大學音樂系客座講師。美國紐約市立大學(Graduate Center, CUNY)鋼琴演奏博士。曾於台灣、中國、德國、奧地利、義大利、美國、以色列等地舉辦鋼琴獨奏會;以鋼琴家身分與以色列海法交響樂團演出協奏曲;與指揮簡文彬、國家交響樂團(NSO)錄製鋼琴協奏曲(於《樂典》系列中發行,並收錄於Naxos Music Library數位資料庫)。她的鋼琴演出也可在2021年NSO出版之《來自臺灣》、聯經出版的《閱讀普希金》中聽到。許惠品演出頻繁,曾受邀於NSO樂季音樂會、講座音樂會;臺中國家歌劇院講座音樂會;兩廳院室內樂系列音樂會等演出。曾於美國芝加哥大學音樂系、紐約大學上海校區舉辦鋼琴工作坊,擔任以色列海法大學音樂系短期駐校音樂家。
許惠品同時也是臺北藝術大學管弦樂指揮碩士。指揮學習在中學時期由國內名指揮陳秋盛啟蒙;大學時隨張佳韻教授學習指揮;就讀北藝大碩士班期間,受業於徐頌仁教授。擔任NSO歐巡音樂會(2013)音樂總監呂紹嘉之助理指揮。2009年獲於美國喬治亞洲舉辦之International Conductors Workshop and Competition 第一名優勝(該比賽之最高獎項)。2018年起,陸續擔任敦化國小音樂班弦樂團、大安國中弦樂團、師大附中音樂班管弦樂團指揮。亦曾擔任台大杏林室內樂團指揮,並積極協助發表台灣當代音樂作品。2004年為指揮大師 Seiji Ozawa(小澤征爾)於台灣舉辦的指揮大師班中,唯一接受指導之學生。旅美期間獲聘紐約市Chelsea Opera助理指揮與合唱指導。
自幼學習鋼琴、小提琴,畢業於師大附中國中、高中部音樂班、臺北藝術大學音樂系。鋼琴師事陳泰成、高國香、彭聖錦、周蓮芬教授;小提琴師事陳秋盛、高安香、李純仁、李麗淑教授。以教育部「公費留學」三年全額獎學金,與CUNY University Fellowship 獎學金,攻讀鋼琴演奏博士學位,師從茱莉亞音樂院名師Martin Canin教授。